.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Page Footer =========== The footer content is placed on a dedicated page to give only certain editors access to this page. .. hint:: Any content changes in the footer requires a frontend cache flush to take effect in the frontend. Initial Setup ------------- - Create a new page like e.g. "footer" - Set the following options in the page properties: - - choose the "Backend Layout" -> "Footer" - - deactivate "Include in Search" - - deactivate "Page enabled in menues" - On root page set pageUid of created page in constant editor: - - constants category "HIGHER EDUCATION PACKAGE: FOOTER" Available Constants ------------------- +-------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+---------+ | Property | Description | Default | +=================================================+==============================+=========+ | plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.footer.pageUid | FooterContent Source pageUid | | +-------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+---------+