.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Breaking: #2 - Change page logo constants and setup typoscript paths -------------------------------------------------------------------- See https://jira.typo3.com/browse/THEP-174 Description ^^^^^^^^^^^ We decided to group all settings of the page logo to get a nicer overview of all constants and the setup given in the higher education package The default page logo settings of the higher education package are defined in ``EXT:higher_education_package/Condiguration/TypoScript/Constants/logo.typoscript`` and ``EXT:higher_education_package/Condiguration/TypoScript/Setup/logo.typoscript`` .. note:: If you have changed constants or the setup of the page logo you have to migrate them into the ``plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.logo`` tree. Constants ========= Old page logo constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none logo { # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=int+; label= Logo Link PageUid pageUid = 1 # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=string; label= Logo Filepath filePath = EXT:higher_education_package/Resources/Public/Images/Logos/higher_education_package-logo.svg # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=string; label= Logo alternative Filepath (used for open main-menu) alternativeFilePath = EXT:higher_education_package/Resources/Public/Images/Logos/higher_education_package-logo-bw.svg # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=int+; label= Logo minWidth minWidth = 275 # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=string; label= Logo Link Title title = Higher Education Package # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=string; label= Logo Alt Title alt = Higher Education Package } Changed page logo constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_highereducationpackage { logo { # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=int+; label= Logo Link PageUid pageUid = 1 # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=string; label= Logo Filepath filePath = EXT:higher_education_package/Resources/Public/Images/Logos/higher_education_package-logo.svg # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=string; label= Logo alternative Filepath (used for open main-menu) alternativeFilePath = EXT:higher_education_package/Resources/Public/Images/Logos/higher_education_package-logo-bw.svg # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=int+; label= Logo minWidth minWidth = 275 # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=string; label= Logo Link Title title = Higher Education Package # cat=higher education package: Basic/110/; type=string; label= Logo Alt Title alt = Higher Education Package } } Setup ===== Old page logo setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: typoscript logo { pageUid = TEXT pageUid.value = {$logo.pageUid} title = TEXT title.value = {$logo.title} alt = TEXT alt.value = {$logo.alt} file = TEXT file.value = {$logo.filePath} file-alternative = TEXT file-alternative.value = {$logo.alternativeFilePath} minWidth = TEXT minWidth.value = {$logo.minWidth} } Changed page logo setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_highereducationpackage { logo { pageUid = TEXT pageUid.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.logo.pageUid} title = TEXT title.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.logo.title} alt = TEXT alt.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.logo.alt} file = TEXT file.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.logo.filePath} file-alternative = TEXT file-alternative.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.logo.alternativeFilePath} minWidth = TEXT minWidth.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.logo.minWidth} } }