.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Breaking: #3 - Change main navigation constants and setup typoscript paths -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See https://jira.typo3.com/browse/THEP-174 Description ^^^^^^^^^^^ We decided to group all settings of the main navigation to get a nicer overview of all constants and the setup given in the higher education package. The default main navigation settings of the higher education package are defined in ``EXT:higher_education_package/Condiguration/TypoScript/Constants/main-navigation.typoscript`` and ``EXT:higher_education_package/Condiguration/TypoScript/Setup/main-navigation.typoscript`` .. note:: We renamed the constant and setup files from ``lib.main-nav.typoscript`` to ``main-navigation.typoscript``. if you have changed the constants or the setup of the main-navigation you have to migrate them into the ``plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.main-navigation`` tree. Constants ========= Old main navigation constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none plugin.tx_highereducationpackage { settings { # cat=higher education package: navigation/115/MainNavigation; type=options[Twist=twist,Paternoster=paternoster,Curtain=curtain]; label=Set animation for main navigation mainNavAnimation = twist # cat=higher education package: navigation/115/MainNavigation; type=int+; label=Set target uid for main navigation mainNavStartpointUid = 2 } } Changed main navigation constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none plugin.tx_highereducationpackage { main-navigation { # cat=higher education package: navigation/115/MainNavigation; type=options[Twist=twist,Paternoster=paternoster,Curtain=curtain]; label=Set animation for main navigation animation = twist # cat=higher education package: navigation/115/MainNavigation; type=int+; label=Set target uid for main navigation startpointUid = 2 } } Setup ===== Old main navigation setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none lib.mainNav { ## get the animation style for main navigation animation = TEXT animation.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.settings.mainNavAnimation} ## get backgroundimage for main navigation image = IMG_RESOURCE image { file { import.data = levelfield:-1, menu_image, slide treatIdAsReference = 1 import.listNum = 0 } } } Changed main navigation setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: none plugin.tx_highereducationpackage { main-navigation { ## get the animation style for main navigation animation = TEXT animation.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.main-navigation.animation} ## get backgroundimage for main navigation image = IMG_RESOURCE image { file { import.data = levelfield:-1, menu_image, slide treatIdAsReference = 1 import.listNum = 0 } } } } Changed main navigation startingPoint assignment in page menu processor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Old assignment in file ``EXT:higher_education_package/Configuration/TypoScript/Setup/page.typoscript`` .. code-block:: none page.10.dataProcessing.10.special.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.settings.mainNavStartpointUid} New assignment .. code-block:: none page.10.dataProcessing.10.special.value = {$plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.main-navigation.startpointUid} Changed main navigation fluid partial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Updated main navigation animation and image cObject setup assignment in fluid partial ``EXT:higher_education_package/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/MainNav.html``