(This is an example webpage of a fictive TYPO3 University. This page demonstrate the optional features of the higher education package. You can extent and modify the page with lots of options and preconfigured settings to change the look of your site according to your needs.)
About Us
We are one of the largest, most diverse universities in the CMS Land with over 80,000 students, and a further 50,000 studying across 110 countries for a TYPO3 University degree. Since 1915 we continue tradition until today and have ambitions for a future that will embed our work and recognition of TYPO3 the international stage.

Where we come from
Our University was one of the first in CMS country and has become one of the biggest in his field. Characterised by a tradition of innovation, research at the University has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on people’s lives.

Where we go to
High-quality teaching and the availability of scholarships were two of the most important factors that students looked at when choosing a university, according to this year’s International Student Survey. The TYPO3 University Careers Service offers a wealth of tailored support to help you really develop your skills and put yourself in the best possible position for entering the jobs market after leaving the campus.

What we stand for
The TYPO3 University stands for cosmopolitanism and equality for everybody. As different as the countries of origin and the socially backgrounds from the students are, as good, creative and diverse can they study and learn together. This is what we want to promote. Because the students are our next generation!