(This is an example webpage of a fictive TYPO3 University. This page demonstrate the optional features of the higher education package. You can extent and modify the page with lots of options and preconfigured settings to change the look of your site according to your needs.)
Great! How nice that you are interested in this course. If you scroll down you will find all the important informations about the education in paramedic.
Course: Paramedic
Faculty: Medicine
Beginning: Every year the first of january and the first of july
Admission: Academic degree, sport test
Education period: 4 month
After the four month education and practical exam you will be a paramedic. You will be able to drive the ambulance, assist the emergency doctor, and do firts aid. To climb up in career you can do the education as an emergency doctor. This takes about three years and you will be able to treat the patient more.