Breaking: #1 - Change scss-parser constants and setups typoscript paths / naming



We decided to group all settings and variables of the scss-parser to get a nicer overview of all constants and the setup given in the higher education package.

The default scss-parser settings and variables of the higher education package are defined in EXT:higher_education_package/Condiguration/TypoScript/Constants/scss-parser.typoscript and EXT:higher_education_package/Condiguration/TypoScript/Setup/scss-parser.typoscript


We renamed the constant and setup files from scss.parser.settings.typoscript to scss-parser.typoscript.

If you have declared variables for the scss-parser you have to integrate them into the plugin.tx_highereducationpackage.scss-parser.variables tree.

Old scss-parser constants

plugin.tx_highereducationpackage {
    settings {
        # cat=higher education package: advanced/200/scssParserSettings; type=boolean; label=Enable overwriting typoscript scss variables
        overrideParserVariables = 1
        # cat=higher education package: advanced/200/scssParserSettings; type=boolean; label=Enable scss source maps => only active if concate and minifing css is disabled via typoscript
        cssSourceMapping = 0

        # cat=higher education package: advanced/201/pxToRem; type=boolean; label=Enable pixel to rem converting [BETA]
        enablePxToRemParsing = 0

plugin.higher_education_package.settings {
    scss {
        base-rem-size = 16

Changed scss-parser constants

plugin.tx_highereducationpackage {
    scss-parser {
        # cat=higher education package: advanced/200/scssParserSettings; type=boolean; label=Enable overwriting typoscript scss variables
        overrideParserVariables = 1

        # cat=higher education package: advanced/200/scssParserSettings; type=boolean; label=Enable scss source maps => only active if concate and minifing css is disabled via typoscript
        cssSourceMapping = 0

        # cat=higher education package: advanced/201/pxToRem; type=boolean; label=Enable pixel to rem converting [BETA]
        enablePxToRemParsing = 0

        variables {
            // define scss variables to overwrite here